Admit it.
How many times have you thought to yourself I’d love to go to Paris but since I can’t afford that at the moment why don’t I send my son’s Zhu Zhu Pet ? Or maybe you were wondering who exactly you could call to book your daughter’s purple hippo in for a shot in front of the Eiffel tower. What? No? Never occurred to you? Me either. Until today.
That’s when this release came into my inbox:
Paris finally welcomes furry visitors thanks to Furry Toys Tours!
Paris, France. Furry Toys Tours SAS ( is a new Paris-based company and the first agency to take furry toys from across the globe on a unique journey through the beautiful city of Paris! Inspired by J.P. Jeunet’s 2001 movie “Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain”, Furry Toys Tours documents the sweeties’ touristic adventures via numerous photos sent to their owners in hard and electronic copy to make sure they enjoy the trip (almost) as much as the furry darlings do!
We propose the 1-week Paris Essentials Tour (€100) and 4 additional 4-days thematic (History, Arty, Chic, Da Vinci Code) Extension Tours (€50). This is a sweet poetic gift for you or for someone you love.
At Furry Toys Tours, we believe that furry toys deserve a true reward for all the sweetness, love, and tenderness they give us!
We also find that a picture of a plush toy visiting our human world is something special and heartwarming!
That’s why we bring to furry toy owners from around the world who share this point of view (and who would also love to get an insider’s glimpse on Paris) the opportunity to send us their furry toy by mail so that we can take it on a fun and touristic journey through Paris.
We travel the city with our little furry guests and take plenty of pictures of them in front of the various monuments and places we visit. Our little group also stops for picnics in Parisian parks and cafés for lunch and tea break, where we usually get a lot of smiles from human tourists!
The furry darlings get to spend their stay in an apartment in the heart of Paris, just a few hundred meters from the Arc de Triomphe. Furry toy owners get daily updates via email pictures of their furry darling’s adventures, and we also post some pictures on our Facebook page.
And there’s more!
1. You’re first toy pays full fare – you’re responsible for the shipping costs to get the toy to and from Paris – but “an additional furry companion” “enjoys a 50% discount!”
2. If one week in Paris simply isn’t enough for your toy, you can extend their trip by four days at an additional cost; and my personal favourite
3. “we also suggest to (secretly) send us your kid’s, friend’s or partner’s furry toy. Their discovering over their email that their furry toy is off and traveling in Paris really makes it a unique and emotional gift!”
If by “emotional” they mean screaming bloody murder because bobo the bear isn’t in their bed at night but instead off touring Paris, then I agree it could be very “emotional.”
Any of you planning to take them up on the offer? PLEASE let me know. Belly laughs are hard to come by.
Frankly, I just want to know if they are hiring – I think I’m uniquely qualified to chaperone other people’s children’s toys around the globe. I could definitely expand their base of operations. It’s like a whole new career option has opened up in front of me…
Hadn’t thought of that Mara! Whole new career path! LOL
haha .. its true that the kids deserves a chaperon so that there is one who will to them ..