Motherhood can mean Your New Beginning too
Heather2018-11-26T13:27:51-05:00Did you know that my kids literally were the reason my travel writing career started? If not for motherhood, it might never have happened.
Did you know that my kids literally were the reason my travel writing career started? If not for motherhood, it might never have happened.
The Lessons Travel Taught 13-year old Cameron Davis are lessons we could all stand to learn. The teenage,r who has been traveling with his family since he was a baby, shares a few in his new article for Intrepid Travel.
My answer to this one parenting question was spontaneous, but it remains how I’d hope to answer that question today. Seeing it written down made such an impact on me that I wanted to share it with you, along with a suggestion.
Traveling with a teen? There are some key things I learned on a recent Teen and me trip to Stratford, Ontario. Keep these rules in mind for your next trip.
This trip to my parents' homeland of Jamaica was, in my mind, about my parents and my kids. It's why I remained blissfully unaware of the emotional minefields awaiting me until I stepped on them.
We spoke to Caroline about her experience in Guyana, the lessons she's learned and the advice she has for others looking to participate in similar trips abroad. She shared these five tips
If there had been odds placed on where Regina, Saskatchewan- born Dan Kwasnicki would end up at age 28, Laos would've been at about a billion:1. The fact that he'd be there after spending four years in Korea? Even less likely. And yet, that's exactly what has happened.
Recently I spoke with three Canadians who with the help of Cuso International and Global Affairs Canada are working to make the world a smaller place. Let me introduce you to them. First: Ava Liu in Peru.
The Passport Party Project’s genius is that it doesn’t just have an effect on the tween and teen participants; it affects every one of us who comes into contact with them.