10 Days


That's all that's left in this trip that was a year long but really supposed to last forever...10 days.

10 Days2012-11-10T06:33:41-05:00

Mother’s Day


A mother's love is everything. Here's hoping we always remember how good it is to give and receive it.

Mother’s Day2012-11-10T06:35:14-05:00

Globetrotting Kids: ZMAR Eco Adventure


A few weeks ago in Portgugal we visited Zmar Eco Resort and Spa. We had a blast and made some new friends.

Globetrotting Kids: ZMAR Eco Adventure2012-11-10T06:52:40-05:00

Globetrotting Kids: Eiffel Tower


Today we went to the Eiffel tower. We were so excited to see the tower that we almost lost the Camera.

Globetrotting Kids: Eiffel Tower2012-11-10T06:52:30-05:00

Febria de Abril – Seville, Spain


Beautiful ladies in beautiful dresses and well-dressed men on horseback: The Febria de Abril festival in Seville adds a touch of old-world charm to the Around The World trip.

Febria de Abril – Seville, Spain2012-11-10T06:35:57-05:00

Awake in Seville


Our love affair with Portugal continues ....a little too long.

Awake in Seville2012-11-10T06:36:16-05:00
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