Hey everyone,

I’m so excited to share some news.

On Monday March 3 at 12:30pm EST I’ll be hosting a twitter chat with National Geographic Travel! (@natgeotravel)

I’ve been really proud of the stories I’ve been able to tell through the National Geographic Travel Intelligent Travel blog and of the conversations we’ve had there in the comments.

toty nat geo

But this Twitter Chat means that we can have some of those conversations in one of the places that I spend a whole lot of time online- Twitter.

Why is that great for you? Because the beauty of Twitter is that you can jump in and jump out as you need to. You’ve got a question? Ask it! You’ve got a suggestion? Chime in! You’ve got a previous commitment? Scroll back later and read all of the advice. It’s the ultimate office water cooler where we can all benefit from the information shared.

Why is it great for me? It rids me of some of the guilt I’ve been feeling. So many of you have asked me to meet or chat as you start to plan your own family trips and while I’ve tried to meet as many as I can, it can get a bit overwhelming. (Only so many coffees one girl can drink! ;))

This Twitter Chat means you can ask a few of your burning questions, get a quick response and actually begin to put that planning into action .

mudbath in Colombia. Yes, you should do it.

mudbath in Colombia. Yes, you should do it.

During the upcoming Twitter Chat anyone who loves family travel as much as I do can pop in and ask your burning questions Wondering how we managed to get the kids out of school for a year? Wondering if I ever considered dumping the whole bunch and running off on my own? Curious about internet in foreign lands? Want to know why we went to Colombia? I’ll weigh in, but the best part about a Twitter chat is that you’ll also learn from each other.It’s what the Twitter community is best at.

I’ve never thought for a minute that I have all the answers. In fact so much of what I know is a direct result of chatting with people who did it before we did or those who shared their experiences with us while we were out there.

Cam Wild Wadi

Flying High with new friends in Dubai

That’s what is so exciting about this chat. This could be the moment when one of you finally gives yourself the green light to get out there and live your travel dream, whatever it may look like.

And that makes me really happy.

So, please join us!

Monday March 3, 12:30 pm EST on Twitter. The hashtag (what to search for to find it later)  for the event is #enroute and if you don’t know (gasp!) I’m @greenwooddavis in that world.

Can’t make that date? Leave your questions in the comments below and I’ll try to answer them online when I can.

Here’s to a thorough brain-picking!


christmas toast 2011
