Last night, Ish and I had the pleasure to be a part of a panel at the annual Meet, Plan, Go event in Toronto. The evening takes place simultaneously (more or less) in Toronto, Boston, New York City, South Florida, Chicago, Austin, Mineappolis, Seattle, San Francisco and San Diego.
The interest in the idea of taking a “career break” and heading out to see the world was clearly a popular idea for Torontonians. It was the first of the cities to completely sell out!
The evening was emceed by Janice Waugh (@solotraveler) and organized with help from the lovely Tracey Nesbitt (@soloandsocial). The evening kicked off with a great tip-filled keynote from Evelyn Hannon (@journeywoman) who enlightened the group with tips including how to keep your money safe and your ankles iced (condoms!) on the road.
Next up was a panel discussion. And along with Ish and I, the phenomenal Ayngelina Brogan (Bacon is Magic ) and Kailey Lockhart ( Vegablonding off the Beaten Track ) shared stories of travel adventures that kept the audience smiling.
Then it was time for round table sessions where the audience members and panelists/speakers/guest experts had a chance to talk in more detail about the nitty gritty of issues like safety and insurance, planning an itinerary and traveling as a family.
All in all it was a fantastic night filled with the energy and buzz of people preparing to live their dreams of seeing the world and we were thrilled to be a part of it.
I’d encourage anyone who is contemplating a career break (no matter how long) to take a peek at the sites above for inspiration and practical ideas.
Big thanks to all who attended for making it a great night.
And a special thanks to Alicia Taggio (@Taggio) for sharing her pictures of the event.
Hi! While I didn’t get the chance to speak with you on Tuesday, I wanted to thank you and Ish for being part of this year’s event. It was really interesting hearing about your experiences!
You’re welcome. We had a great time too. It was a fantastic crowd. Safe travels!