What a ride.
For the last two months, I’ve asked you to follow me on a journey into a country that many of us have never visited. Through the stories I’ve shared here about Clara Hughes and Right To Play Canada, I hope that I’ve sparked some interest in how we can make a difference in places like Rwanda. I asked you to vote on the Right To Play Page and you did, in the hundreds.
And as a result children across Africa will have a brighter tomorrow.

Leaders teach children. Children teach leaders. Communities change.
Some of you did even more.
I know some of you made donations in my honour to Right To Play, others asked for information on how they could volunteer on the ground right here at home and still others vowed to do your part in months to come. THANK YOU!
All of it was appreciated. It means so much to me personally that so many of you shared my passion for doing what we could to help raise awareness.
This week, the announcement was made that the Parent Ambassador that will visit Africa with Right To Play in the Spring is Jill Amery who runs UrbanMommies.com and whose project focuses on promoting health in Liberia. A hearty congratulations goes her way.
Accompanying Jill will be voting winner Lori Harasem!
Lori lives in Coalhurst, Alberta, with her husband, three children and pets. She works as the Recreation and Culture Development Manager for the City of Lethbridge and is heavily involved in her community in a volunteer capacity. Lori has always dreamed of going to Africa to volunteer and as a supporter of the values of Right To Play, she says that she “couldn’t pick a better organization to share this experience with”. I agree.
Together they’ll get the chance to see first-hand the work being done in Liberia and I’ll be watching and sharing their journey with you here as well.
Please, don’t think for a moment that this is the end.
It has been nothing short of inspiring to hear stories like those Kelly Reid told me about her husband David and to watch the completely selfless and passionate commitment of Clara Hughes; to see what one person can do through Johann Koss and to watch a community of Parents like Nick Cheeseman, Ali Martell, Jaime Damak , Jill Amery and Susan Carraretto, demonstrate their passions for a cause we all believe in, week after week.
Big thanks to everyone for your support and I look forward to continuing to work with Right To Play in the weeks and years ahead. Please continue to sign up for Right To Play Canada newsletter to keep on top of new information and ways you can help.
We can make a difference!
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