I can’t believe it; we are less than 2 weeks away from landing in Vancouver, BC and wrapping up our epic road trip. It has been fun being on the road, and sharing updates with you, while also featuring the Road Trip Tales of some of my favourite people. Now we bring you writer extraordinaire Lola Augustine Brown! And take a look at past interviews: Tracy Moore, Erin Bender, Carol Cain, Kathy Buckworth, Emma Waverman, Leisse Wilcox and Alyson Schafer.
I’ve known Lola for years. We first met at a conference in Whistler and have managed to swap information and maintain a friendship despite hectic travel schedules. I’ve watcher her family continue to grow over the years and am thrilled that as she waits for her latest arrival she took the time to share some tips.
What’s your favourite summer road trip memory?
Driving with my kids from Daytona all the way down to Key West last year. It was fantastic, we had such a good time and so many different experiences.
What is your top tip for Family road trips?
To try and plan out a few things in advance that you know your kids will be excited to do. We started our 10 day trip with a day at Disney, which set things off to a great start.
What’s the one thing you wish you’d known before you set out on your first family road trip?
That two iPads would definitely have been better than one! If each kid had one, there would have been less squabbling on the 7 hour drive from St Petersberg to Key West!
Top 3 snacks for in the car?
Granola bars, bananas, chewy candy that takes a long time to eat.
Worst snack for in the car?
Chips, the mess is not worth the tastiness!
Musts on the road trip playlists?
We just listen to the radio, and love tuning into random local stations.
Never on the road trip playlists?
Raffi or anything that the kids will ask for on repeat.
I most embarrass my kids in the car when I….
Sing and dance in the front seat.
My kids drive me nuts in the car when they…
Are annoying each other and squabbling because they are fed up. (See iPads comment.)
Biggest challenge you’ve faced traveling with kids by car and how you handled it:
Picking up the car at the airport then realizing it was too small for the car-seats (the Fiat looked like SO MUCH FUN online!) then having to pay for an upgrade on the spot. Bad planning on my part. Or, when we drove across Vancouver Island when our son was 6 months old and he cried for 5 hours straight.
Dream road trip destination?
Driving the coastal roads from Portland Oregon to San Diego. We would all love to do that.
You can learn more about Lola on her website or connect with her on Twitter as @LolaAugustine.
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