There are a lot of reasons I like traveling.
And there are a lot of reasons I like traveling with this guy.
This is one of them.
In Winnipeg we went to a baseball game. The kids and I took our seats and watched the game. Ish, however, spent most of the time being Ish: Chatting with people, introducing himself, sharing sports views and laughing, always, always, laughing.
He told anyone who had the bad luck to even look in our general direction all about the Round the World Trip with the kids, where the trip was taking us and why we were doing it.
He is, and has always been, the family’s built-in PR agent and the Davis family Mayor. And while it almost always makes me cringe at first – worried that someone will feel he’s being boastful or interrupting their enjoyment – it always results in a great experience.
At the Winnipeg Children’s Museum we were invited to dinner 3 minutes after he chatted up a father of six (the man also offered Ish the shirt off his back but that’s another story;)). And after we spent the afternoon fishing and chatting with Todd from City Cats, Todd called a pal to get us tickets to the local Goldeyes’ game. And once there I watched Ish charm his way up and down the aisles as I sent him for drinks and then mini-donuts … and then more mini-donuts. (Don’t judge me. It was $4 for a huge bag of the warm deliciousness and the kids ate most of it …kinda). And then there was yesterday, when after I stepped away to take a phone call at lunch, I came back to find tables pushed together and a couple from Florida joining us.
I usually shrug it off. Chalk it up to Ish being Ish and wrangle the kids while he chats. But almost always I get pulled into the conversation and I’m reminded of how amazing it is to meet people as you travel and have exchanges that lead to letters like this.
Good morning on this the 4th of July.
My name is Randy and we (my wife Susan and I) were sitting at a few rows behind you at the Goldeye’s game on Saturday night in Winnipeg. You gave me your card on the way out.
I have checked your website and found it most interesting. Making memories, (like fishing on the Red River – that river has many stories attached to it, usually sad ones and it is nice to have the opposite ) – that is just so very cool.
Thanks for letting me get a glimpse into your lives and what you are doing.
One of the things I always say to our grandkids is ‘ ABC ‘ and if you will allow this grandfather to pass that along to you and your children – ABC (always be careful).
Again, thanks and wishing you safe travels.
With warm regards,
It also leads to emails like this
Hello Ish, Heather & kids,
It was really great to make your acquaintenance today. We wish you the very best on your round the world trip – what an awesome plan!… Cheers, Jack and Jo
and photos like this

Hamming it up with fellow CTV Saskatoon guest Kalen Allmandinger from the Blue Man Group in Saskatoon
Traveling with Ish broadens our entire experience of a place. Our stories would be a lot different if he wasn’t along.
We’re grateful to have Randy’s advice and the kind words from Jack and Jo and the others who’ve shared their well wishes and travel tips with us.
And I for one am grateful for Ish.
How does your travel partner impact your vacations? Are you ying and yang or oil and water? Let me know in the comments below.
Funny, when we are on vacation, I give up my outgoing personality and talk to no one. Preferring to let Guy ask the questions, find the places, complain at the hotels. I need a week off so I go all turtle on him. I never thought about it before but it will be the topic of our porch picnic dinner tonight! thanks for the spur!
Hi Heather…reading your post reminded me that I emailed you a while back asking about your plans for BC. Did you get it? We would love to meet you guys!
Awww, we love Ish too. :)
Reading your posts just make me miss Ish and the days at Ryerson! He was really the one who brought groups together!
We seriously need to get Ish (@Cubicle23:twitter ) tweeting some more… he sounds like one cool dude.
Awww Heather!! Now you know why we miss him so much at work. I miss the “Ish rounds”…when he wasn’t busy ‘inspecting’ or on a big important case, we knew, because you could always count a good conversation and some laughs. Miss ya Ish!!
Bonnie, miss our morning chats. All in ;)
My partner, my family is ying and yang we always travel together and have great moments , We are so ying and yang I have a tattoo of it on my shoulder, Speaking of Ish, My wife is in the same boat as I venture off talking to anyone who take’s the first glance into my eye’s. sorry got you know and you can run. Hope you guys are having a wonderful time.
The Misick’s
We are having an amazing time. Don your wife has the right idea “A stranger is a friend that you did not meet yet.”
Thank you sooo much for sharing! I love meeting new people in my travels and i love living through you. Good luck have soooo much fun and be safe and my new line don’t forget your ABC. LOVE IT!!
Your husband has encourged me to talk to random people now :) Living in NYC you walk around in your “bubble” and don’t want people in it, sometimes for good reason;), but talking to others is how we learn the most. About everything. Safe travels!
The magic of Ish! He is so warm and approachable. You’re a lucky girl Heather :)
Let me know if you end up in Shanghai, we’ll take you our for brunch! @japannewbie
will do! thanks!
My boyfriend is just like Ish :) He will strike up a conversation with anyone, anywhere. It’s one of the things I love about him. I love meeting new people, but I’m also extremely shy, so it’s great to have him with around.
We went to Boston last summer and through conversations with people around us, wait staff, bartenders, etc we ended up with some great recommendations of things to see and places to eat, drink, dance and be merry! And it added so much to our already wonderful experience at Fenway Park to meet the families sitting around us (and it helped that the Jays beat the Sox 14-2!).
Enjoy your year full of experiences and all the wonderful people you’re bound to meet!
Thanks for sharing Megan. I can totally relate to your experience. Having Ish around totally changes how we experience a destination. Love it.
Thank you to your family for sharing many of your wonderful life experiences so far. Truly heartwarming!!! Typical Ish style to….talk and talk and talk!! Keep safe. Our family’s warmest regards to yours – Quincy
Thanks for reading! Ish doesn’t change! And I can tell you that both boys seem to be following in his footsteps. :)
I love this! Though I am not super shy, I am introspective. I have been living in the south (Georgia) for 2 years now and the people here are so friendly that I have learned to open up to random strangers. I have learned that the people really make the journey, whether its your travel partner or the locals you meet on the road. I will be traveling solo rtw and hope to do more talking and be more like Ish. :)
Sherry, I’m the same way. I admire what Ish can do and though I try to be more like him, I also know that I’ll never be able to duplicate it. Wish you all the best in your journey.