Many travellers know that Toronto offers excitement and plenty to see and do, and that Vancouver is known for its outdoor adventure. When you think about history, you know to look to Ottawa and Kingston and when it’s culture you want to devour … well Montreal and Quebec City are steeped in it. But what about the many, and amazing, other cities in Canada and the abundance of activity and experience they offer? Our latest series, Travelling Canada, looks at the unforgettable Canadian travel experiences you may not yet know you need. First up, Miramichi New Brunswick.
The Miramachi region of New Brunswick offers a playground for outdoor enthusiasts looking for wilderness and legendary fishing. The region offers family friendly activities for the summer.

Photo Courtesy of Miramichi River Tourism Association
River Camp
Five-day “Come Play on Our River” camp is for kids aged 6-12. It includes trout fishing, water safety, nature walks, crafts, canoeing and more. You can register in this camp put on by Atlantic Salmon Museum and stay at the Storeytown Cottages. Families participating in the camp receive 30% off accommodations.
Learn More:
Camping in the Trees
Stay amongst the trees at Camping Miramichi – just like camping but you are 12 feet above the ground. Each treehouse comes with camp mattresses and some offer electricity and washrooms. The 200 wooded acres of campgrounds offers fishing, kayaking, canoeing and hiking nearby.
Starting at $65/night. Bring your own camping gear.
Learn more:
Camping Miramichi
Beachcomb for Art
A family that creates together stays together with this creative activity from Escuminac Beach and Family Park. You will walk the shoreline in search of items to turn into beach art. You can take your keepsake home, or add it to the park’s environment tree as decoration.
$60 per family (two adults plus children)
Learn more:
Escuminac Beach and Family Park
Experience Life as a Lumberjack
Visit the Central New Brunswick Woodmen’s Museum and take a look into the colourful lives of woodsmen. You can explore an original trapper’s cabin, cookhouse-bunkhouse-dingle, forestry hall, wheelwright stop, blacksmith shop, sawmill, fire tower, forestry tools and more. The special entrance price for families ($15 for two adults and children 6-16) makes it an affordable afternoon.
Learn more:
Central New Brunswick Woodmen’s Museum
Experience the Taste of Metepenagiag “Ookdotaan”
Learn about the Mi’kmaq culture when you hear stories around the campfire while enjoying a traditional aboriginal meal of seasonal fish or summer game with wild rice and bread prepared over an outdoor fire pit. You will also get to experience a fragrant cedar tea cultivated from the land. Available daily June 1 – October 31 $65.95 for families.
Learn more: Metepenagiag Heritage Park
For more information on lodging, attractions, activities, dining and events in the Miramichi region, visit With information provided by Miramichi River Tourism Association.
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