Aha Moment in India – #Blogust


We are the same. All of us. Our desires. Our fears. We love our children. We worry for them. We want them safe at all times. And sometimes that desire to protect becomes so overwhelming that we forget that on the other side of the world there is a mother trying to do exactly the same with a completely opposite package of information or access.

Aha Moment in India – #Blogust2022-03-01T20:52:23-05:00

My more “WElfie” Less “SELFie” life


It can't be predicted. We'll be somewhere acting perfectly normal and then I'll just look over at them and my heart will fill with so much love for the kids, the family, the moment... and whammo, blammo, we're taking a "Welfie."

My more “WElfie” Less “SELFie” life2014-04-01T19:24:16-04:00

Fines for families who take kids out of school to travel


The fine against this family irks me if only for the fact that at its core, a rule/law that suggests that a parent can't take their child out of school is an affront to my rights to parent.

Fines for families who take kids out of school to travel2014-01-25T21:33:34-05:00

Are you questioning the “Can’ts” in your life?


My responsibility to my children, as I see it, isn't to push them along the path that we've been told is the only path available but to equip them with the tools that will make for fulfilling lives. I don't want my kids to have a high school diploma, a university degree or a big house in a good neighbourhood unless they want those things for themselves.

Are you questioning the “Can’ts” in your life?2013-12-13T13:08:23-05:00
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